Welcome to the Empowering Expat Coach Page!

You know…
One of the things I get asked about the most is why did you become an expat coach?
Well, I could summarize it in one line just saying I know what it is like to struggle as an expat and I want other expats to create a life they love as I did.
But that wouldn’t give you much context, would it?
First of all, my name is Mariana, I am an expat from Portugal based in Geneva, Switzerland.
And as you probably have guessed, I am an expat coach!
How did it all start?
The reality is, I have been an expat for the past 5 years.
I have been through a lot of challenges:
- Feeling stressed about whether I would find my accommodation,
- Feeling lonely,
- Not really knowing anyone
- Dealing with a lot of small issues that I felt I needed to overcome by myself because all my friends and family were in Portugal, where I am originally based.
Why did I even become an expat?
I started by moving from Portugal to Scotland back in 2018, and if you are wondering why I did it, it was because I didn’t see a possible career for me in Portugal and I wanted to see how it would be in another country.
When I was about to move, I still remember, being on the sofa with my parents, and just crying, not knowing if this was the right call or not.
And what got me deciding to go was a simple thought that I could go back home if I wanted to so I wouldn’t have to stay if I was unhappy.
How did it go at first?
in the beginning, it was hard, I felt lonely, I felt stressed with all the things I needed to do and organize and I didn’t even know where to turn to. On top of that, I had chronic knee pain so I needed to find a good physiotherapist to help me out.
A stressful period I have to say.
And then, while I was thinking it will always be like this, I met my best friends 3 months after I moved to Edinburgh. And I started feeling so much at home.
Going forward 1 year, I was laid off from my company and I found another job in Geneva, Switzerland. I knew I wanted to go but saying goodbye once again and not knowing when I would see my friends again was really hard.
How did it go in Geneva?
March, 2019, arrived and there I was.
Once again in a country where I knew no one.
This time I have to say it was harder. I didn’t know anyone and I didn’t speak the language.
Once again, I started feeling lonely but I just reminded myself if I could feel so well in Edinburgh, I could do it anywhere.
So I started going to events, I started meeting new people and I found my best friends.
I am writing this to show you, I have been where you are and I know you can overcome anything to have a life you love.
Why did I decide to become an expat coach?
I ended up deciding to become an expat coach because if I had had a coach back when I moved, both times, feeling at home would have been so much faster, and the stress would have been so much lower even.
So here you go.
A bit of my story, a bit of who I am, what I struggled with but also, how I stepped into the other side, into being happy where I am and I want that for you too.
How am I planning to help expats?
To be honest with you, this website was born because I wanted to add all the resources I have created in one place.
- Coaching 1:1 – to help you move forward with me by your side at all times (read more)
- Podcast – to help you with life stories plus coaching tips (read more)
- Newsletter – weekly reflections with ideas on how to meet new people, make friends and keep on feeling happy in your life as an expat (read more)
- Webinars and workshops (coming very soon!)
What certifications do I have to help you?
If you are looking for a life coach to help you right now, I would say it is so important to look at certifications.
It is NOT just the life experience, it is also the science based help to truly help you in your life abroad and make sure it works.
That is why I have invested so much in my education, to make sure I have the best education to support YOU in any challenge you have abroad because I will never tell you to do simply what I did because, hey! we are different so I will help you find what works for you and your life.
Coaching Certifications
- Health Mindset Coaching Certification level 1 and 2 – to help you with your behavior and mindset

- Sleep, Stress management and Recovery Certification – from Precision Nutrition
- Neurocoaching Certification – from the Neurocoaching Institute in Portugal
- Advanced Especialization in Hypnotherapy and Regression – from the SilvaMIND Institute – Portugal